Environmental Services

Fire & Smoke Damage

Fire damage to a property must be handled by a professional. Many times, a property owner who has never experienced a loss may not understand the ramifications of having a company who does not specialize in fire restoration try to handle the project. A company with extensive knowledge is needed to know the difference between what structural components should be cleaned and those which must be removed. Roadrunner Restoration is that company. Roadrunner’s experience in handling fire damage restoration includes projects for owners of shopping centers, condominiums, high rise offices, schools, government buildings, universities, malls, and many more. As a specialist in cleaning, deoderization, sterilization, decontamination, content handling and reconstruction, Roadrunner provides a full service experience for the client. With a single point of contact from start to finish, the process of restoration is streamlined and simplified.

Case History: Las Haciendas Restaurant

Within hours of being contacted by their insurance carrier, Roadrunner project managers were meeting with the owners of Las Haciendas restaurant to review extensive damage from a kitchen fire.

The concern of everyone involved was preventing massive business interruption losses which would quickly mount during the cleaning and repair process. Roadrunner developed a 3 shift, 24 hours a day solution which allowed the entire cleaning and reconstruction to be completed within one week.

The client opened the Monday following the fire, continuing to serve clients and preventing the loss of key employees who may have sought employment elsewhere in the case of a long closure.

24/7 Response

Getting a client back in business is our singular goal. Roadrunner is able to achieve that goal faster than most companies because we have the manpower, knowledge, and leadership to make it happen. Combine these strengths with our financial stability, and you have the answer to all your restoration needs. Often there are isolated, less damaging events which are more of an inconvenience than anything. Roadrunner addresses those smaller daily losses with the same professionalism as with large projects. Roadrunner’s involvement in these experiences builds the confidence of our clients when planning for disaster response. Roadrunner’s contingency planning provides a road map for restoration long before a loss occurs. Developed with the client, every possibility is explored to ensure that the highest level of preparedness is achieved. This service highlights the professionalism which Roadrunner offers in an industry that many times lacks such character.


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