Environmental Services

Heater Installation/Replacement

Environmental projects are an important part of the resume of services provided by Roadrunner. Management of an environmental project may include the coordination of many services. Whether Roadrunner provides the initial site stabilization, content inventory, decontamination, abatement or remediation, there are many other aspects of a project which must be addressed. Our network of specialists include those in engineering, testing, analysis, cause and origin, reenactment, and investigation. Management of all these necessary sciences along with the requests of both the insurance carrier and client can at times be tedious. As a licensed remediation company, Roadrunner’s knowledge and experience provides a successful history of project management to clients across the country.

Case History: Florida Department of Law Enforcement

As remnants of Hurricane Ike passed through area, Roadrunner emergency crews were on site at the University of Houston’s College of Architecture, covering a 12,740 square foot section of roofing torn off by the powerful storm. While water had damaged approximately 40% of the building, the remainder was salvaged by Roadrunner’s quick response. Water extraction, structural drying and content restoration began immediately and the semester classes, in danger of being cancelled, commenced as scheduled. Continued monitoring and maintenance of air quality systems helped ensure a safe environment for faculty and students alike.

Air Quality Services

Air Quality is a major concern to everyone. HVAC systems that are not maintained are notorious breeding grounds for mold and bacteria, as well as the normal accumulation of dust over a long period of time. Regardless of what a property is used for, or the number of persons affected by the HVAC system, there are very real health issues which must be contemplated when preparing a maintainence program. Bring into the equation a water damage or fire loss in which the system has been affected, and a property owner must be provided sound advice and ultimate proof as to the best remedy to resolve the damage to such a critical system.


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Duis ac turpis. Mauris fermentum dictum magna. Sed laoreet
aliquam leo. Ut tellus dolor, dapibus eget, elementum.