Contents Restoration

Contents Restoration

Evaluation, inventory, cleaning, & storage of contents is an art. Special attention to detail is not a desire, but a demand when handling contents. Mobilizing quickly, preparing a meaningful evaluation with appropriate documentation and having the manpower to pull it off is all part of the job. If time is spent contemplating the situation due to lack of knowledge, contents are being further damaged by indecision. Roadrunner mobilizes to a project fast, makes the right decisions, which are supported by excellent documentation, and provides all parties involved with appropriate updates. Salvageable contents are either relocated within the site to a safe location, or packed and moved off site for safe keeping. Regardless of location, the cleaning process must begin immediately to prevent secondary rust, corrosion, mold, damage to circuitry or damage caused by condensation.

Case History: Kenneth Franzheim II Rare Book Room

The University of Houston’s College of Architecture lost a significant portion of copper roofing during Hurricane Ike. The impact occurred directly over their prestigious library, home to the renowned Kenneth Franzheim II Rare Book Room. While Roadrunner packed and moved the entire library to limit damage from the elevated moisture level, the recovery and handling of these prized works of art was critical. Roadrunner’s expertise was proven to be vital as the parchments and numerous volumes were handled with care. Once again, Roadrunner’s timely response and vast knowledge worked hand in hand to provide a successful project completion.

Document Recovery

Documents should be one of the first items addressed when a water or fire loss occurs. The time and money it will take to reproduce paperwork in files, books and records is astounding. Often times, expense escalates due to a lack of knowledge on the part of a contractor. Technology has given us many options to choose from on how to recover these vital documents. Documents that have been completely submerged in water can be freeze-dried, sanitized, and put through a sublimation process to remove the moisture. Films and x-rays can be dried and re-jacketed. Rare books and records which previously may have been lost can be salvaged through a state-of-the-art process. Files can be processed, copied, labeled and re-filed rather than losing years of critical information. The only requirement is an educated company who knows the options and can provide sound advice to a client. Roadrunner is that company.


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Duis ac turpis. Mauris fermentum dictum magna. Sed laoreet
aliquam leo. Ut tellus dolor, dapibus eget, elementum.